Drama set in ancient China during a tumultuous rebellion and revolves around the lives of Tang Moxi (played by Zhang Nan) and her first cousin, Bai Fengyao (played by Wang Yuwen). The story explores themes of love, family drama, war, and political changes.
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP01 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP02 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP03 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP04 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP05 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP06 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP07 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP08 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP09 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP10 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP11 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP12 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP13 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP14 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视
ENG SUB《微雨燕双飞 Gone with the Rain》EP15 | 张楠、王玉雯 | 乱世爱情古装剧 | 欢娱影视