Sins of the Night is a 1993 American thriller and crime film directed by Gregory Dark. The movie follows Jack Neitsche (Nick Cassavetes), an ex-convict turned insurance investigator, who is hired by his boss Ted Quincy’s ex-lover Roxie (Deborah Shelton) to track down her abusive husband Tony Falcone (Miles O’Keeffe). Roxie wants Jack’s help to kill Tony and collect the insurance money.
Sins of the Night is a 1993 American thriller and crime film directed by Gregory Dark. The movie follows Jack Neitsche (Nick Cassavetes), an ex-convict turned insurance investigator, who is hired by his boss Ted Quincy’s ex-lover Roxie (Deborah Shelton) to track down her abusive husband Tony Falcone (Miles O’Keeffe). Roxie wants Jack’s help to kill Tony and collect the insurance money.