Directed by Josef von Sternberg, this German musical comedy-drama film is a masterpiece of cinematic art. Released in 1930, it marked a significant milestone in the transition from silent films to sound films. The movie tells the story of a stodgy professor, Immanuel Rath (Emil Jannings), who becomes infatuated with a seductive nightclub singer, Lola Lola (Marlene Dietrich).
Directed by Josef von Sternberg, this German musical comedy-drama film is a masterpiece of cinematic art. Released in 1930, it marked a significant milestone in the transition from silent films to sound films. The movie tells the story of a stodgy professor, Immanuel Rath (Emil Jannings), who becomes infatuated with a seductive nightclub singer, Lola Lola (Marlene Dietrich).