La Teta Asustada, literally translating to “The Frightened Teat,” is a 2009 Peruvian drama film directed by Claudia Llosa. The title refers to a rare psychological condition, believed to afflict children born to women who were raped or abused during Peru’s years of terrorism. The film centers around Fausta (Magaly Solier), a young woman struggling with this condition, which manifests as an intense fear of being raped.
La Teta Asustada, literally translating to “The Frightened Teat,” is a 2009 Peruvian drama film directed by Claudia Llosa. The title refers to a rare psychological condition, believed to afflict children born to women who were raped or abused during Peru’s years of terrorism. The film centers around Fausta (Magaly Solier), a young woman struggling with this condition, which manifests as an intense fear of being raped.